constitutional: adj.1.生来的,固有的;体质上的。2.宪法(上规定)的;立宪的,拥护宪法的;法制的。3.有益健康的,保健的。4.组织的,构成的。n.保健运动[散步]。 a constitutional disease [disorder] 体质病。 a constitutional convention 〔美国〕制宪[修宪]代表会议。 a constitutional governme
Dai hongci and the start of constitutional movement in late qing 戴鸿慈与清末宪政运动的开端
Shen jun - ru and the constitutional movement during the late qing dynasty 从宪政思想与运动维度
Historical analysis of late - qin dynasty constitutional movement and its significance 清末宪政运动及其意义
Constitutional annals is a constitutional journal which was established by the preparatory council for constitutionalism during the peak of the constitutional movements in the last years of qing dynasty 摘要日刊是清末立宪运动高潮时期由预备立宪公会创办的一份立宪刊物。